Man chopped in half by forklift is tired of people asking about his sex life with wife

Man chopped in half by forklift is tired of people asking about his sex life with wife
An inspirational young man whose life was forever changed when he was chopped in half by a forklift is tired of getting asked about his sex life.
Loren Schauer, 20, lost the entire lower half of his body including his genitalia in a devastating September 2019 accident that saw him crushed by a forklift after falling 50ft from a bridge.
His lower half was removed during a procedure known as a hemicorporectomy, which he bravely agreed to in order to save his life after he was crushed and had his forearm cut off in the accident.
Loren has defied the odds since then to live a full life, but despite overcoming so much adversity, he is still plagued with invasive questions about his sex life.
The 20-year-old from Great Falls, Montana, is married to Sabia Reiche, 23, who was his girlfriend prior to the accident, and now she is not only his wife, but his carer.
He told LADbible: “I proverbially had to ‘take the boots off’ and have Sabia put the boots on and become the man of the house and she’s done that with ease.
“Most of our furniture has been put together by her, whilst she also does everything that takes physical work to get done.
“That’s definitely been the hardest part about our ‘new life’ — me having to give up being the hands on outdoorsy typical ‘man’ to being ‘babied’ in a way.”

However, while the couple have adapted to their new circumstances and share how they’ve overcome the odds to inspire others on YouTube, they rightfully have their boundaries.
They tell us: “We try and be as open as possible with our followers on YouTube because each person benefits from learning about this or that, whether you know it or not.
“One of the only things we’re tired [and] annoyed [about] or we won’t talk about is just our sex life.
“We find it to be a very rude and invasive question. For absolutely no reason also. [It’s] just a question that no one asks anyone.”
Loren previously said that prior to having the lower half of his body removed, doctors did try to save his sperm to give him the option of having biological children down the line, but it sadly wasn’t viable.

While the couple are generally happy to share their lives with strangers, Loren admits they did not plan to become known online.
He explained that Sabia posted a video of him sitting up independently for the first time since the accident to share the achievement with her cousin and friend.
However, it caught the eyes of countless strangers and ‘we woke up the next morning with the video at like 15 million views.’
People naturally flooded the couple with questions and that’s when they decided to share their whole story in a longer YouTube video.
Loren said this was also an ‘instant hit’ and people were ‘asking us to please start documenting our lives and sharing it. So we began doing that.’
However, while the couple are happy to share videos with their fans, they said it is very much a hobby for them and simply do it for ‘fun and what it does for others.’
Man cut in half by forklift makes heartbreaking admission about his life since devastating accident

Man cut in half by forklift makes heartbreaking admission about his life since devastating accident
Loren Schauers was cut in half by a forklift in 2019.

A man who was cut in half by a forklift truck in 2019 has revealed a heartbreaking aspect about his life following the devastating accident.
Loren Schauers narrowly avoided a grisly death when the forklift he was driving veered off a bridge in the US and plummeted 50ft down to the ground.
Pinned beneath the vehicle, Loren gave his permission for hemicorporectomy surgery to be carried out — which meant the amputation of everything below the waist — saying it was ‘basically a choice of living or dying’.
He also lost his right arm in the horrific accident, and his condition was so severe that his wife Sabia was told he wouldn’t survive and said her goodbyes to him a total of six times.

Horrifyingly, Loren revealed he had been ‘conscious throughout everything’, including the moment the forklift fell on him.
Since his accident and beating the odds by surviving, he’s been keeping people posted on how he’s doing with his life thanks to regular updates on social media and YouTube.
In his videos, he’s shown how he showers and elsewhere, he’s explained how he handles trips to the bathroom with no lower half of the body.
However, in a recent update, Loren posted about something saddening as he took to Facebook asking if anyone else found it difficult to make friends.
He wrote: “Am I the only one who finds it difficult to make friends? I’m never really busy doing anything, just don’t know who to hit up and let into my life.
“Also, been betrayed by so many ‘friends’ in so many ways that I might have trust issues letting people into my life, not stealing from me, taking advantage of whatever they can, stuff like that.
“I know it’s dumb to make it out into a Facebook post but hey! If anyone is looking for a friend! I’m always free and need to mend some friends.

“Haven’t hung out with anyone that isn’t family in over a year it feels like lol. HMU!”
In the past, Loren has opened up about being ‘disappointed’ with some of his friends as they’d ‘totally reverted and have been reclusive’ since his accident, though on a more positive note he said ‘a couple of friends came out of the woodworks and have been really supportive’.
Fortunately, in his search for new friends the internet has done something good as a plethora of people got in touch to say they’d like to be friends with Loren.
If you’re feeling lonely and reckon you’re struggling to make friends, it might be worth following Loren’s example and speaking out about it, you might just find that more folks than you expected would love to be your friend.
If you’re experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They’re open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you’re not comfortable talking on the phone.
Man cut in half by forklift shares heartbreaking details of the accident that caused amputation

Man cut in half by forklift shares heartbreaking details of the accident that caused amputation
Loren Schauers remained completely conscious throughout the entire ordeal

A man who was horrifically cut in half by a forklift has recounted the heartbreaking details of the accident which led to the amputation of the entire bottom half of his body.
Loren Schauers, 23, opened up about the fateful day that his life changed forever as an 18-year-old while he was working as a labourer on a remote site in Montana, US, in September 2019.
He described how he turned his head and saw his right arm, which had been torn off during the incident, ‘covered in dirt’, as he remained conscious throughout the entire ordeal which left ‘blood everywhere’.
The young lad had been behind the wheel of an industrial truck when it plummeted 50ft off the side of it and tumbled on top of him, pinning him beneath the forklift.
In a harrowing YouTube video shared just months after the accident, Loren explained that while his team were working on the overpass, a passing car had knocked down one of their barriers — filled with water to weigh it down — that were up.
Split-second decision
So, although he claims he was ‘never trained’ to drive the vehicle, he was asked to ‘grab the forklift which is on the other side of the bridge, drive it across, and move the water barrier back into position’.
As he did so, Loren said that another car then came ‘speeding across’ the bridge after running a red light, leaving him with little options except from trying to get out of their way.
He explained: “I tried to hurry and move and since he was going so fast and whatnot, he couldn’t stop and he basically pushed me off to the side, onto my far side of the forklift.

“And so I get onto the dirt part on the end of the bridge, trying to get out of his way, and the dirt wasn’t fully compacted yet.
“The dirt workers just came that day and laid it down, so it didn’t have full compaction, so driving a big-ass forklift on it obviously was gonna make it indent into the ground, you know.
“Well, the car pushed me to the side so much that the hillside on my right hand side and the dirt not being compacted started to cause the forklift to lift up.”
The labourer said despite his best efforts, he could not get the forklift to tilt downwards and it instead slowly began ‘creaking up to tip over’.
Pinned under the forklift
He explained that since he was not trained to operate the vehicle, he didn’t know what safety protocol to follow in an emergency — but he thought unbuckling his seatbelt and attempting to jump out of it would be his best bet.
But as he made his bid for safety, Loren’s leg got caught up in his seatbelt.
He recalled: “So, I swung out instead, breaking two of my ribs off the floorboard of the forklift and by this time, the forklift’s rolling down the hill.
“And then it rolled again and I was able to clear it, but then I wasn’t able to clear the top of it.
“Since I wasn’t able to clear it, it landed on my pelvis and my right arm and like, sunk me into the dirt.
“So, it didn’t split me right in half, it just crushed every bone from my pelvis down pretty much,” he said.
Loren claims that he faced an agonising ‘ 10, 15 minute’ wait as his co-workers scrambled to get a bigger machine to yank the forklift off of him, which he spent ‘in complete shock’.
“I had no pain whatsoever, and I just, the hardest part about that was probably just breathing ’cause it felt like my breathing was restricted,” he said.
As they had no mobile phone signal to alert emergency services, one of his colleagues had to drive to the next town over, Wilsall, to find a medic, before he was later helicoptered to hospital.
Legs were ‘completely done for’
Speaking of his experience in hospital, Loren continued: “There’s, like, 10 to 15 people in this emergency room just all while not knowing what the f**k to do.
“I lifted my head and looked up and I see my legs just looking like Derrick Rose’s leg times ten. Pretty much just bone sticking out everywhere and my legs were just completely done for, let’s put it at that.
“And they slam my head down, put a strap over my head, told me that they didn’t want me to lift my head in case I broke my spine. And then they put the anaesthesia mask on me. Still felt no pain at this point.
“And as I’m laying there, still not feeling any pain, I felt them make this midline incision in my stomach and start putting my ribs back into place.
“I don’t know if it was a feeling or a hearing but it was like, cracking, and finally I passed out.”

In the following days, his then-girlfriend and now-wife Sabia said her goodbyes to him six times but Loren managed to pull through and later decided to undergo hemicorporectomy surgery — which meant the amputation of everything below the waist.
Recalling his reaction to the life-changing decision, Sabia said: “From that moment is when I knew that he wasn’t going anywhere, because he looked them dead in the eye and told them that he doesn’t care if he’s just a head on a plate, they’re gonna do the surgery and they’re gonna keep him alive.
“And so, that really brought a lot of hope for us that, you know, he was a fighter, which we already knew because he was still alive.”
The couple are still going strong and regularly share updates and videos on social media to let people know how Loren lives and what life looks like for him now.
Topics: US News, YouTube, Jobs, Health
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