Interesting Sexual Facts: Why Do Women Get Breasts?
Interesting Sexual Facts: Why Do Women Get Breasts?

What are the reasons that women have breasts? The majority of people are under the impression that it is for nursing infants. But this is only one side of the story.
This is because women have permanent breasts rather than transitory ones, which is the reason for this phenomenon.
In contrast to all other primates, who have breasts that may be retracted, no other animal possesses breasts that are permanent.
It is true that when all other female primates get pregnant, they develop breasts as they begin to make milk. However, once the kid no longer requires milk, the breasts retract, and the female returns to having a flat chest cavity.
For a number of different reasons, this approach is significantly more sensible.
Specifically, breast cancer is the leading cause. Because breast cancer is the biggest cause of mortality among women, it is estimated that one in every twelve women in wealthy countries will be diagnosed with the disease at some time in their lives. Obviously, this would not be the case if women did not have breasts that are permanent.
That is to say, permanent breasts are responsible for the deaths of a considerable number of women all over the world, and this has been the case for a very long time.
Breasts that are permanent, on the other hand, have not only been responsible for the deaths of women but also of babies.
The fact that nursing is an art that both the mother and the baby must master together is something that every mother is aware of. However, there are some mothers who do not learn this ability, which is why they are forced to use baby bottles.
There were no newborn bottles available in the past, and as a result, those who were unable to master them perished.
Under these circumstances, in addition to the fact that they are responsible for the deaths of a significant number of women and maybe neonates, the question arises as to why women would make them. It is reasonable to assume that there is some benefit for infants.
It is true that the breasts have the capacity to serve as an additional storage space for fat, which some people believe might be beneficial to pregnant women, particularly in situations where food is limited.
Any additional benefits would not be adequate to compensate for the high cost.
The question of why women would have developed them in the first place is naturally raised by this argument.
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There is a possibility, but nobody can say for certain what will happen. The one that was initially conceived of by Desmond Morris in “The Naked Ape” and then developed further by Leonard Shlain in “Sex, Time and Power” is the one that has gained the most prevalence.
Morris argued that once humans learned to stand upright and become forward-facing, we needed a new signaling method to replace the way that our predecessors’ female monkeys alerted males that they were of reproductive age and in heat through a ballooning rear end, which occurred during ovulation. This was the way that our ancestors communicated with men.
The idea that he had was to construct the new instrument out of permanent breasts. Consequently, women were able to express to males that they were sexually mature and in heat by having breasts that were permanently positioned in front of them. This functioned as a new technique for women to interact with men.
A substantial amount of evidence lends credence to the idea, despite the fact that it is open to debate.
Ovulation, for example, is often the time when a woman’s libido is at its highest. Additionally, throughout the process of ovulation, her levels of oestrogen and progesterone rise, which generally results in an increase in the size of her breasts. This is the reason why a lot of women suffer discomfort in their breasts and nipples throughout the ovulation process.
There is an unforeseen effect of this swelling, which is that it causes the breasts to become bigger and more noticeable.
It may be deduced from this that a woman’s breasts tend to become more swollen and attractive during the period of her month when she is most fertile. The signaling tool that this would have been would have been of great use to our ancestors, who would have been able to recognize such things.
In order to provide more proof, it is important to note that the breasts of female apes that have not yet reached the age of pregnancy are consistently firmer and less drooping. This is because the breasts of these apes have not been stretched by milk.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that a stronger chest in females may have been a metric that men used in the past to determine a woman’s age or degree of fertility.
Therefore, an evolutionary male might have used both a female’s chest and her rear end to determine whether or not she would be a suitable mate. Initially, the rear end would have been the primary factor, but as humans evolved to stand upright and became frontal facing, the roles could have shifted, with the chests of females becoming the primary factor.
In the event that this were the case, men would have been drawn to females who possessed firm and pert chests, which would have led to females having far more permanent breast tissue.
The beginning of the development of permanent breasts in females is presented to you.
It is impossible to tell for sure. On the other hand, this would explain why, contrary to the widespread notion, men are more concerned with the fullness and pertness of their breasts than they are with the size of their breasts individually.
There is no evidence to suggest that the theory is accurate; as was said before, a significant number of individuals do not agree with it. On the other hand, this kind of event, in which anatomical traits evolve that serve no use other than sexual communication, occurs rather frequently in nature. Even a name has been given to it: the Fisherian runaway theory.
In the greatest possible way, this viewpoint is illustrated by the brilliantly colorful tail of the male peacock. The tail of a male peacock is a complete disadvantage on every level, with the exception of one: it is able to attract females.

The Disadvantages of Large Breasts in Love
The huge red bottoms of baboons and macaques are examples of aspects that are similar to those of primates but have little significance outside of the context of sexual signals.
The handicap idea for female breasts was developed by academics David Barash and Judith Lipton as a result of this fact.
In the same way that baboons have large, flashing red bottoms, they argue that permanent breasts properly represent a woman’s genetic health. However, this comes at the disadvantage of the lady having to carry them around in public display.
The delivery of sexual information appears to be the primary focus of the story, and it is indisputable that a great deal of sexual information can be gleaned from the breasts of females.
One example is that age is the most prevalent factor.
This is the reason why the somewhat brutal equation that has been a recurrent component of debates on the origin of permanent breasts in women now remains.
The process is as follows:
If you have no breasts, you are too young; if you have breasts that are full and firm, you are fertile; if your breasts are drooping, you are either pregnant or too old; and if your breasts are empty and sagging, you are too old.
Not only the breasts, but even the nipples, are capable of providing such information to ancient men. I am aware that this is a brutal practice, but it is quite useful to them.
It’s true. There is a plethora of sexual information contained inside female nipples. As an illustration, they get more pert after ovulation, they become even more pert when ladies are stimulated, and they become totally erect when they are engaging in sexual activity.
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Large breasts secrets this should open your eyes!
This occurs due to the fact that oxytocin causes nipples to become erect, and that sexual activity induces a considerable increase in the production of oxytocin in females.
From this vantage point, it is not difficult to imagine that our ancient males evolved to identify a nipple-on as an additional indication of arousal in women. This provided them with a reason to concentrate not just on pert breasts, but also on pert nipples.
It is possible that this is also the reason why the nipples of women have developed into a shape that some people believe is not well suited for breastfeeding. It’s possible that males played a role in controlling their evolution by prioritizing appearance above functionality.
Even if this were not the case, the point is that nipples send information about ovulation and arousal. Additionally, as women get pregnant, their nipples grow larger, and the areola, which is the black zone that surrounds the nipples, darkens.
As a result of the fact that these changes often take place within the first eight weeks of pregnancy, they are frequently used as a sign of early pregnancy. And guess what? A man is unable to impregnate a lady who is already pregnant.
In addition, he is unable to conceive a child from a woman who is nursing (breastfeeding is just as effective as the pill in terms of preventing pregnancy), and the nipples often do not recover to their normal size until the woman in question stops breastfeeding.
In other words, nipples are essential not just for recognizing whether a woman is ovulating or aroused, but also for determining whether she is pregnant at an early stage and whether or not she is feeding her child.
In other words, they tell a man whether or not a woman is capable of becoming pregnant.
Once more, this is highly significant information for an ancestral male, and the information stream that comes from breasts and nipples does not stop here. In addition, breasts secrete pheromones, which play a significant role in the process of flirting with a potential spouse.
On their areolas, women have apocrine glands that are responsible for the production of pheromones.
As far as I can tell, this fact is the most likely factor that contributed to the rise in popularity of males sucking on nipples. However, this is just my subjective opinion.

The Disadvantages of Large Breasts in Love
Are you familiar with the sight of dogs sniffing and licking each other’s rear ends? This is an illustration of what I mean. This occurs frequently in the natural world.
When we take all of this into consideration, we might make the assumption that our ancestors were first intrigued by the scent of pheromones. When compared to the second significant source, which is the rear end, the female breasts are a source of pheromone fragrance, and it is far simpler for a species that travels on two feet to obtain them. Taking this into consideration, it is not surprising that males would begin to notice nipples with their tongues rather than their lips.
while you take into consideration the fact that both persons release hormones that are soothing and bonding while they are sucking on breasts, it starts to make sense that sucking on nipples would become a sexual action.
Given this information, it is reasonable to believe that our ancestors were first fascinated by the aroma of pheromones. It is possible that a species that moves on two feet may have an easier time reaching the pheromone fragrance that is present in female breasts than it will be able to reach the second primary source, which is the lower back. When this is taken into consideration, it is not surprising that guys would start using their tongues to locate nipples by themselves.
It begins to make sense why sucking on nipples may become a sexual practice when you take into consideration the fact that both individuals emit hormones that promote relaxation and bonding while they are sucking on breasts.
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